
All instructors welcome and honor the Divine in you.


Anjali Desai

Anjali is a Himalayan Institute (Honesdale, PA) 200-hour level certified yoga teacher. She is a student and an initiate of a long lineage of the teachings and traditions of the Himalayan sages and masters. Having experienced the immense “whole body” transformative power of yoga directly, she relies on her own personal practice of yoga and meditation to support her daily life. This has helped her find a balance between the inner and outer worlds which ultimately has led to her own awareness of her Divine path. Anjali’s style of teaching combines breath-connected movement, classical asanas, systematic relaxation and pranayama. She leads her students on a journey of inner peace and deeper levels of awareness, the culmination of which prepares the students for meditation.


Frank O’Gorman

Yoga for me is both a daily practice on the mat and a way of life from which to encounter the world. I love yoga because it integrates body, breath, mind and spirit and makes my whole being feel more alive. My practice on the mat is meditative and takes me to deeper stillness than I can reach through sitting meditation alone.

I love sharing the riches of yoga with others because I see how it awakens and transforms all of us, motivating us to seek greater physical health and emotional wellness and deeper abiding from within.

I attempt to treat every challenging situation in life as an asana or yoga posture, realizing that it has something to teach me. I return to my breath to center me to accept what is unfolding in my awareness and to face it with a heart that is open and courageous, and a mind that is focused in the present moment and yet witnessing without entanglement.

I am a Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of a yoga teacher training with a Registered Yoga School (RYS).